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376-293 City Road, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94102

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microjet® Forming technologies

Surface wetting in forming technology

The microjet ® minimum quantity lubrication technology allows strips, sheets, tubes, wires and profiles to be finely dosed and wetted with liquids prior to the forming processes. In order to avoid scoring and tool wear or breakage during the forming process, the surfaces of the parts or tools to be produced must first be wetted with suitable lubricants in a targeted and wafer-thin manner.

The microjet® minimum quantity lubrication technology doses and simultaneously breaks down the liquid into very fine particles by means of compressed air. The result is a fine and homogeneous mixture whose microparticles penetrate deep into the surface of the forming zone and adhere extremely well there.

Forming of tubes, gears and bars

(external and internal machining) Application: Axial forming of motor vehicle shafts with integrated minimum quantity lubrication
  • Lubricant: free of chlorine and heavy metals for highest loads
  • Nozzle ring: External lubrication
  • Atomizer nozzle: internal lubrication
  • minimum lubricant application
  • verbesserte Werkzeugstandzeiten
  • hohe Durchlaufleistung
  • hohe Fertigungsqualität höhere Produktionsleistung
Copyright 2025 Microjet GmbH Minimalmengenschmiersysteme