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376-293 City Road, Suite 600
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microjet® Tank

Lubricant Tank

The tank system

The lubricant container is the basis of our system. The other components are connected to it.

Depending on the application, on whether it will be operated on one-shift or several shifts, system
tanks of various sizes are available. Standard sizes: 1.6 > 2,6 > 5.0 and 10.0 litres. Special sizes on


Control, manual:
Manual-slide directional valve

Control, electric
Solenoid valve 24 V, 110 V, 230 V

Control, pneumatic
Control air up to 6 bar

Single as well as several processing stations can be supplied with lubricant via a system tank.

* depends on setting

Technical data

System type MKS-G MKS-G 100 MKS-G 260 MKS-G 500 MKS-G 1000
Max. pressure (bar) 7 7 7 7
Max. capacity of tank (litre) 1,6 2,6 5 10
Max. contents in tank (litre) 1,0 2,0 4,0 9,0
Opening pressure of safety valve (bar) 7 7 7 7
Operating pressure (bar) 0,5-6 0,5-6 0,5-6 0,5-6
Air consumtion approx.(l/min./nozzle)* 50-100 50-100 50-100 50-100
Lubricant consumption approx. (ml/h/Düse)* 5-200 5-200 5-200 5-200
Copyright 2025 Microjet GmbH Minimalmengenschmiersysteme